Jana Eglseer, BA

Study Assistant Division Journalism Studies

Room: U38, Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43-662-8044-4181

Mail: Jana.Eglseer@plus.ac.at

Jana Eglseer has been a student assistant in the Division Journalism Studies since October 2022. She has also been studying for a Master’s degree in Communication Studies since the summer semester of 2023, having previously completed her Bachelor’s degree at the Kowi. As Jana has been interested in journalism for a long time, she has already been able to get a taste of the everyday editorial work of well-known Upper Austrian daily newspapers and is now a volunteer editor-in-chief at PUNKT, the magazine of Communication Studies. Away from university life, Jana writes as a freelance journalist for the Salzburger Nachrichten and produces radio reports for the Radiofabrik magazine.