O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Heinz Fabris r.











Mail: h.i.fabris@gmail.com

After studying political science and journalism, Hans Heinz Fabris began working as an assistant to Günter Kieslich at the newly founded Salzburg Institute of Journalism in 1968. He habilitated ten years later. In 1982 he was appointed associate professor and in 1987 full professor of “Applied Communication Studies”.

He accompanied and helped shape the development of the institute and later the department in research and teaching as well as in numerous functions within the university’s self-administration. He took early retirement in 2004.

Prizes/AwardsPromotion Prize of the Province of Salzburg for scientific work (1971)Adolf Schärf Prize for the Promotion of Science (1975)Born in Scheibbs, Lower Austria in 1942. Graduated from high school in St. Pölten in 1960.

During his studies, press officer for the ÖH at Vienna University, editor-in-chief of “en face” and contributor to various media, including the “Presse”. Started working as a university assistant during the turbulent seventies. Marriage and two children. Various university and non-university activities at home and abroad. Helped shape the development from an “institute in a briefcase” to a large department. He understood science as critical, applied social research and valued working with students. His last research focus was quality journalism.

Later, he gradually turned to various artistic interests (photography, painting, texts) and engagements.

  • Journalism research (communicator research, education and training, professional organizations, quality journalism)
  • Austrian media system (small state approach, international comparative research)
  • Alternative media, journalistic participation
  • Media and communication policy, European Union
  • Interpersonal communication/age research