Roland Holzinger, MA

Project assistant Center for ICT&S
Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-28 um 16.35.37


Room: Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 5020 Salzburg

Roland Holzinger, MA is a graduate and currently a project staff member at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg. In his current research project DEGENET, he is investigating the democracy endangering potentials in the online communication of the Austrian “Corona protest movement” – an interdisciplinary research with the Center for Geoinformatics (Z-GIS) of the University of Salzburg. As a collaborator and co-author of the “Digital News Report Austria”, Roland Holzinger examines the development of digital news consumption in Austria in this cooperative project with the Reuters Institute Oxford. His dissertation project focuses on the conceptual and methodological implications for research on news trust in a contemporary “high choice media environment.” An additional focus is on research and teaching on computer-aided methods in communication science. Roland Holzinger is a board member of the Austrian Society for Communication Science, and on the organizing team of the DACH mid-level conference “kmwt22” (DGPuK, ÖGK, SGKM).

The latest research documentation can be found here.