On this page, you will find all the information you need about the recognition of exams and internships at the Department of Communication Studies.

Recognition of free electives

For the recognition of examinations as free electives, it is decisive whether they were taken at the University of Salzburg or other universities worldwide.

For the recognition of examinations taken at the University of Salzburg as free electives, please follow this step-by-step guide.

Please follow this step-by-step guide to recognize examinations taken at other educational institutions as free electives.

Important: Important: Applications for recognition (free electives, etc.) must be submitted as an image file/PDF (scan, photo via smartphone, etc.) by email to boris.romahn@plus.ac.at.

Recognition of mandatory work experience in the bachelor’s program

Depending on whether you want to count a professional internship, a semester abroad or a research internship as a required internship, the procedure differs:


  • Find an internship: Current internship offers can be found on the internship platform of the Department of Communication Studies.
  • Clarify the subject’s relevance with the department: For the internship to be recognized, it must be relevant to the department. For more information, click here You can find more information here.
  • – Complete internship(s) until you have 12 weeks of full-time internship.
  • Complete a supplemental sheet for each partial internship: This is where your employer certifies your internship hours.
  • – The supplemental sheet(s) should be emailed to boris.romahn@plus.ac.at or submitted to the department secretary’s office.
  • Important: It is now possible to receive credit for mandatory internships not only after completing 12 full-time weeks. Credit is also available for four or eight full-time weeks of internship.

Research Internship:

  • Departmental approval to complete the required internship as a research internship.
  • Complete the research internship for 12 weeks
  • – Complete the Research Internship Supplemental Sheet: This is where the research project director certifies your performance on the project.
  • Fill out the Confirmation of Compulsory Internship: Enter your name, matriculation number, and the title of the research internship.
  • – The Confirmation of Compulsory Internship and the Supplementary Sheet must be submitted to the Departmental Secretary’s Office.

Study abroad:

  • Find out and apply: There are different ways to spend a semester abroad, such as through Erasmus+ or joint study programs. Depending on the program, various partner universities, contact persons, and deadlines exist.
  • Learning Agreement abschließen: Mit diesem wird vereinbart, welche Prüfungsleistungen Sie für die Pflichtpraxis angerechnet bekommen und welche ggf. weiteren Sie für Freie Wahlfächer anerkennen lassen können.
  • – You will need to earn 15 ECTS credits for the required internship. More information about Erasmus at KoWi can be found here. You can find more information here.
  • Fill out the confirmation of compulsory internship: Enter your name, matriculation number and the university you attended
  • – The PLUSonline application for recognition, which is necessary for the recognition, can be submitted to Mr Romahn (boris.romahn@plus.ac.at) during office hours
  • – With the PLUSonline application, the confirmation of compulsory internship and the transcript of records must be submitted to the departmental office.