Assoz. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Thomas Herdin

Head of Division Transcultural Communication
Thomas Herdin

Room: Raised first floor 010, Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Office hours: by appointment

Phone: +43-662-8044-4158


Thomas Herdin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies and Head of the Transcultural Communication Division. His research areas include intercultural competence and socio-cultural resilience, value changes and cultural transformation processes in Asia, and de-Westernization in communication research. After conducting a field study in Central America, he lived for seven years (1995-2001) in Asia.

For more information, visit:

  • Intercultural competence and socio-cultural resilience
  • Changing values and transcultural transformation processes
  • De-Westernisation approaches in communication studies
  • Mediatisation from a transcultural perspective
  • Global South, North-South Communication and Development Policy
  • Intercultural Management and Tourism Research
  • IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research): Member
  • ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association): Member
  • Institute for Interdisciplinary Tourism Research (init) on the Managing Board since 2001
  • Südwind (development education and public relations) on the board since 2009
  • Research Group Media, Communication & Tourism (FMK&T) on the Board of Directors since 2001

The latest research documentation can be found here.

Notes on master’s exams at Assoc. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Thomas Herdin

Here are the following instructions for download.

Examination topic

The examination topic deals with central aspects of intercultural and transcultural communication.

Examination literature

The examination literature is about 200 pages long. You will find the literature list below. The literature will be made available to you (via e-mail attachment).

Exam preparation

Six to eight weeks before the scheduled examination date (examinations are usually held on Monday mornings), you should make an appointment to discuss the date, topic and examination literature.

In preparation for the Master’s examination, please prepare an excerpt of the examination literature. Scope: one-page written elaboration of each paper incl. formulation of three to four theses generated from the text. Please send this excerpt to me at least one week before the examination date to:

For an above-average examination, a problem-oriented discussion and critical reflection is (also) required (e.g. criticism of previous research or establishing a reference to current developments); these reflections should definitely be included in the examination preparation in addition to simply learning the contents.


Bachleitner, Reinhard/ Weichbold, Martin/ Aschauer, Wolfgang/ Pausch, Markus (2014): Methodik und Methodologie interkulturelle Umfrageforschung. (S.11-44)

Deardorff, Darla K. (2006): Identification and Assessment of Intercultural Competence as a Student Outcome of Internationalization. In: Journal of Studies in International Education,
Jg., H.3, 241–266.

Gunaratne, Shelton A. (2009): Emerging global divides in media and communication theory: European universalism versus non-Western reactions. In: Asian Journal of Communication, 19. Jg., H. 4, 366-383.

Kitayama, Shinobu/ Uskul, Ayse K. (2011): Culture, mind, and the brain. Current evidence and future directions. In: Annual review of psychology, 62. Jg.,o.H., 419-449.

Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen (2003): Kulturraumstudien und interkulturelle Kommunikation. In: Nünning, Ansgar/ Nünning, Vera (Hrsg.): Konzepte der Kulturwissenschaften. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler, 307-328.

Nicklas, H. (2006). Ethnozentrismus, Xenophobie, Exotismus. In: Nicklas, Hans/ Müller, Burkhard/ Kordes, Hagen (Hg.).: Interkulturell denken und handeln. Theoretische Grundlagen Und Gesellschaftliche Praxis. Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag, S.93-100

Ergänzung zu Mario Erheim (zit. in: Herdin, T (2018): Werte, Kommunikation und Kultur: Fokus China. Baden-Baden: Nomos; S.168-170)

Obrecht, Andreas J. (2003): Zeitreichtum und Zeitarmut im Global Village. In: Faschingeder, Gerald/ Kolland, Franz/ Wimmer, Franz (Hg.): Kultur als umkämpftes Terrain. Wien, 215–241.

Schäffter, O. (1991): Modi des Fremderlebens: Deutungsmuster im Umgang mit Fremdheit. In: Schäffter, O. (Hg.): Das Fremde: Erfahrungsmöglichkeiten zwischen Faszination und Bedrohung. Opladen, S. 11-42 (im pdf 15 Textseiten).

Wang, Georgette (2011): Beyond de-Westernizing communication research. An introduction. In: Wang, Georgette (Hg.): De-Westernizing Communication Research. Altering Questions and Changing Frameworks. New York: Routledge, 1-18.

Welsch, Wolfgang (2010): Was ist eigentlich Transkulturalität. In: Darowska, L./ Lüttenberg, T./ Machold, C. (Eds.). Hochschule als transkultureller Raum? Kultur, Bildung und Differenz in der Universität. transcript Verlag. S. 39-66 (im pdf 16 Textseiten).