Berkan Bagtas

Study Assistant of the Department

Room: U43, Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43-662-8044-4197


Berkan Bagtas is studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and works as a student assistant in the department. His tasks include looking after the social networks and the website, which he is also responsible for redesigning and editing. He is also in charge of all public relations projects, such as promoting the new Master’s degree programme “Communication, Culture & Participation“. Furthermore, he is on the editorial board of the Diamond Open Access journal “kommunikation.medien“. In the summer semester, he leads the course “Interview Forms in TV Journalism and TV Documentary” together with Dr Michael Mair. He also presents the Uni-TV magazine “PlugIn” and has experience in the AV studio. In addition, he moderates student events and manages the content for the department’s image films.